On behalf of the children, staff and governors I would like to warmly welcome you to Willow Bank Infant School website.
Willow Bank Infant School is an inviting and welcoming school environment where children feel safe and happy. It is a nurturing, family school with a modern pace and shared traditional values. We believe that the first years in school are the most important, helping to shape children's attitudes to learning and life. We endeavour that by the time your child leaves our school he or she is happy, motivated and ready for the next stage of their journey through education.
We particularly pride ourselves on the fact that children enjoy school immensely and are valued as individuals. Our dedicated Staff and Governing Body enthusiastically strive to uphold and develop our provision and we work hard to establish good working relationships with all.
Our school has a kind and caring family ethos. We warmly invite all children and families to participate and enjoy being part of our special Willow Bank community.
I hope that our website will provide a good introduction to us and I look forward to meeting you and showing you around our lovely school.
Mrs N Taylor-Dickens
Prospective Parent Tours 2024
We would be delighted to welcome you to look around our warm and friendly school. Our tour dates are:
- Thursday 9th January
All our tours will start at 09.20am from the main school office. Please note that we can unfortunately not accommodate buggies/pushchairs going around the school due to some tight spaces.
If you wish to book onto one of our tours please contact the school office on: 0118 969 5452 or email admin@willowbank-inf.wokingham.sch.uk